Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hack the login password

Actually this program is useful for you to remember the login password on any website when you are using Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer. But the program is also useful for other people to see the password on the computer where you run the program. Because this program requires no installation, then your activities will not be tracked by the computer owner.

All kinds of login password will appear when the program is executed. Facebook, Yahoo, G-Mail, any website that you have open will be found by the program.

This program is made of course for a positive purpose, then use it wisely.


For the Mozilla web browser, please download here.
For Internet Explorer, please download here.

PCLinuxOS 2010 on Acer TravelMate 4150

A few days ago I tried to install PCLinuxOS 2010 on Acer TravelMate 4150. After downloading the ISO file with KDE version from a local repository, I then burn it to a CD.

Boot time is needed since the laptop is turned up to KDE screen takes about 2 minutes on the Live CD version. All devices on Acer TravelMate 4150 is detected well by PCLinuxOS 2010. I tried to explore the ability of PCLinuxOS 2010 on the laptop. Reading NTFS partitions, open several types of video and audio files and perform Internet connection. Tried a few games that integrated on PCLinuxOS 2010. Everything went smoothly without any problems.

After trying for compatibility on Acer Travelmate 4150, I finally decided to install it permanently on a laptop. The installation process is not difficult. With the GUI interface, I think even a novice will understand. The installation process runs about 20 minutes.

After installation is complete, I restarting my computer and calculate the boot time. These times faster than the Live CD because the PC version of the Linux OS already installed on my hard drive. I do more testing on the compatibility of like when I use the Live CD version.

It seems that the installation version is not as good version of the Live CD, I do not understand why this could occur. I experienced a few times crashes when opening video files, and when to upgrade to some software, it suddenly did not want to open the File Explorer. And when I restart the computer, PC Linux OS 2010 can not open the KDE screen. I can only get in on the Terminal Console.

Overall, this operating system is very good in terms of appearance. All graphical effects on the desktop can be run well. Like Cube Desktop, Transparency, Glass and other effects. From the desktop, this OS is better than Windows Seven who did not support Windows Aero on Intel 915, the embedded graphics chipset in the Acer TravelMate 4150.

I think beyond the problem of stability, PCLinuxOS 2010 could be another option for your laptop.

3D's Cabin Unit | AutoCAD Learning

I made these images while still working on one of petroleum equipment manufacturers. This picture are examples of designs that I created using AutoCAD and 3D's Max.

Rack Server
inside rack

Learn To Make Movie Poster

Movie posters are very interesting for me because the pictures on the poster at least notify the movie that is in it. A good movie poster could explain the story and represent the genre or the film itself. The movie poster designers tried to explain to the audience about the film's story as a whole with a limited picture.


It interested me to learn it and try to make themselves even if only a poster just because it's his movie never made.

These are some of my learning outcomes. It is still less than perfect in terms of visual effects and possible techniques of photography I never learned before, but I do this just to have fun.  
Notes : All logos are registered and uses in the poster is just an example and not for publication.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hati-Hati Memakai Software Ilegal

Bagi anda yang menggunakan komputer pribadi untuk digunakan sendiri tentunya sudah terbiasa dengan instalasi software pada komputer anda. Anda tidak perlu terlalu khawatir dalam meggunakan atau memasang software, Karena legalitas software bukanlah sesuatu yang perlu anda perhitungkan. Sebab tidak ada yang memantau kegiatan komputer anda.

Namun berbeda halnya apabila komputer tersebut adalah milik perusahaan yang dipakai bersama-sama pengguna lainnya. Atau meskipun anda adalah pengguna tunggal untuk komputer di kantor. Manajemen software tetap harus diperhatikan. Karena perusahaan adalah kegiatan usaha yang menghasilkan uang dari penggunaan software. Maka legalitas software adalah isu utama yang harus diperhatikan.

Sebelumnya saya tidak terlalu memperhatikan masalah legalitas. Hingga sebuah pengalaman menjadikan saya harus lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih software untuk PC di kantor. Pada suatu ketika perusahaan kami terkena razia software ilegal dari pihak kepolisian. Dengan tuntutan yang luar biasa.

Semenjak kejadian itu, perusahaan kami mulai selektif dalam instalasi software. Sebagai IT Administrator, saya juga harus ekstra ketat mengawasi apa saja yang terpasang pada komputer di kantor. Karena terkadang ada karyawan yang tidak terlalu paham dengan legalitas software sehingga dengan seenaknya menginstall software bajakan pada komputer mereka.

Solusi terbaik untuk perusahaan kelas menengah yang rasanya terlalu berat untuk investasi software, maka saya sarankan sebaiknya anda menggunakan open source. Saat ini sudah banyak software gratis yang memiliki kemampuan lebih baik daripada software berbayar.

Anda bisa menggunakan Ubuntu Linux sebagai sistem operasi daripada memaksakan diri menggunakan Windows XP atau Windows 7 bajakan. Dan Open Office sebagai pengganti Microsoft Office. Saya rasa tidak ada kekurangan dari software open source. Mungkin masalahnya hanyalah pada kebiasaan. Karena kita sudah terlanjur familiar menggunakan software keluaran Microsoft.

Namun kalau kita mau sedikit berusaha dan belajar. Lama kelamaan kita juga akan terbiasa. Seperti halnya ketika kita pertama kali mengenal Blackberry, Android, atau Mac OS. Atau bahkan ketika pertama kali menggunakan Windows.

Jika anda pengguna software ilegal, sebaiknya tinggalkanlah kebiasaan itu mulai sekarang. Karena anda tidak pernah tahu kapan nasib buruk menimpa.

Picture is courtesy of

Cara Login Otomatis Pada Windows 7

Jika anda menggunakan Windows 7 dengan beberapa User Accounts dan ingin melakukan login otomatis pada akun anda. Caranya cukup mudah. Ikuti saja instruksi berikut ini :
  1. Klik pada Start Menu lalu ketik netplwiz pada search box lalu tekan Enter. Perintah ini akan membuka jendela Advanced User Accounts.
  2. Pada User Tabs, uncheck pada pilihan Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.
  3. Klik pada tombol dibawah jendela User Accounts.
  4. Ketika muncul kotak dialog Automatically Log On, masukan nama user yang kamu inginkan dan isikan password pada kedua kotak dibawah. Klik tombol OK.
  5. Klik OK sekali lagi.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Asus 1015BX Low Price High Performance

Some time ago I need a mobile computer to support my work in the field. What I need is a simple device for the need to make a report or just browse the internet and receiving email.

After looking at a wide range of products on the internet I finally decided to choose the ASUS Eee PC Netbook 1015BX. This netbook caught my attention because it has a pretty good specs for the netbook class and it also cheap.

Asus Eee PC 1015BX use AMD C60 processor with 1GHz clock speed and ATI Radeon 6290 graphics card with up to 384MB shared memory and dynamic clock speed 200MHz ~ 400Mhz which already supports DirectX 11.

Installed harddisk capacity is large enough with WDC 320 GB, while the 2GB of DDR3 memory capacity is sufficient to meet the needs of today's applications.

I tried some 3D games on this netbook and most work well even on minimum or medium setting. At least this netbook can run those games. Quite satisfactory when compared with the Intel Atom netbook.

I have tried Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 and Need For Speed ​​Shift 2. Both are capable of running well.

Disappointing to me is the sound quality is not so good. The voice is too small to listening music or watch movies even use the headset though.

But with the price $ 270 I think the ability of this netbook is more than enough.
ASUS EeePC 1015BX Full Specification :
  • Processor : AMD C60 1Ghz Dual Core 64
  • Graphics : ATI Radeon HD 6290 DDR3 384MB Shared Memory
  • RAM : DDR3 2GB Harddisk : WDC 320GB Display : 10.1” 1024 x 600
  • Sound : Realtek HD WiFi : Atheros AR9285 LAN : Atheros AR8152/8158
  • Webcam : 1.3 MP
Software I’ve installed :
  • Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit
  • CorelDraw X6 x64
  • Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1 x64
  • MS Office Professional 2010 x64
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
  • Tony Hawks America Wasteland